Prednáška Towards a Mobile Attention Management System

Dovoľujeme si Vás pozvať na prednášku zahraničného hosťa assoc. prof. Dr Veljka Pejovića, University of Ljubljana, Slovinsko, ktorá sa uskutoční
- vo štvrtok 9.11.2017 so začiatkom o 9.10 v posluchárni A529.
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Stručný obsah prednášky
Notifications harness ubiquitous and personalized use of mobile devices to capture our attention anytime and anywhere. Yet, inappropriate notifications, arriving at inopportune times (e.g. at 3am), in embarrassing contexts (e.g. when in a meeting), with currently irrelevant content or from undesired contacts, can be counter productive, resulting in user frustration, increased task completion times and task errors. In this talk I will present research on the identification of factors that impact user interruptibility and our solutions for automated recognition of opportune moments to interrupt. We ground our research in the cognition theory, then collect real-world data on mobile notification handling, employ machine learning to account for factors impacting interruptibility, and finally develop practical software for mobile attention management. The work includes publications from ACM UbiComp™15, ACM CHI™16 as well as the ACM UbiComp™14 best paper nominee.
O prednášajúcom
Dr Veljko Pejovic is an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His broader interests include mobile computing, HCI, and computational modelling of human behaviour. Dr Pejovic obtained his PhD in computer science from the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, where he worked on mobile and wireless technologies for bringing connectivity to remote rural regions. Before joining the University of Ljubljana, Dr Pejovic worked as a research fellow at the University of Birmingham, UK, investigating and developing mobile-based behavioural change interventions. He won the first prize at the Orange Data for Development Challenge 2013 for his work on using mobile phone data for epidemics modelling and containment strategy evaluation, and the ACM UbiComp'14 best paper nomination for his work on mobile interruptibility inference. More details can be found at: