Final State Exams - May 2020

Dear students!

Please, pay attention to the following guidelines and documents on the final state exams at our department.

As you should already know, portal is available.

  • To záverečná práca, upload your thesis in PDF with name Diploma_thesis_Name_Surname.pdf. If you prepared any references or an article in a separate PDF file, upload them with names System_manual.pdf, User_manual.pdf, Article.pdf. Other annexes should be included in ZIP file with name
  • To prezentácia, upload your video-presentation in MP4, including answers to questions (and reactions to comments) mentioned in the reviews. Maximum length of the video is 17min.
  • To prezentácia, upload your presentation in PPT/PPTX. Please, avoid including animations or videos directly in the presentation file. You can prepare a short video-demo of your solution and upload it separately to the Webex tool in the beginning of the state exam.
  • Deadline: May 22, 2020 (Friday)

According to § 108e par 5 and 6 of Law nr. 131/2002 Z.z. on higher education and changes, and amendments to some other laws, in times of crisis it is possible to take state exam by videoconference or other means of ICT without physical presence. In times of crisis, public part of the state exam is considered to be public in case the higher education institution provides an audion recording, available to the public for hearing on institution premises three months after the end of the crisis.

According to Rector Regulation PR/TUKE/10/20, towards commission members and students we have Information obligation to persons concerned. Please, read the following document. By participating in the state exam, you agree to the processing of your personal data as well as to the audio recording of your defense. In case you disagree with the conditions, contact the head of the department by Monday May 25, 2020 at the latest.

State exams will be held on May 27-29, 2020. According to Dean Regulation nr. 3/2020, which is consistent with TUKE measures to reduce COVID-19 infection, and according to the Law nr. 93/2020 Z.z., which changes and amends the Law nr. 131/2012 Z.z. on higher education and on the amendment of later regulations (§ 108e par. 5 of the law), which changes and amends some other Laws, state exams will be conducted to the following schedule via videoconference (Webex). Please, have a computer, Internet connection, webcam, and microphone available. Link to the state exams connection will be provided by an email. Before the defense, prepare your ID in case you are asked to legitimize. Please, dress appropriately for this event.

The announced second student training with commission secretaries will be held on Monday May 25, 2020 afternoon. Training details will be sent by an email.

For the students who finish in the masters degree program Informatics (2-year study) the following topic areas apply to the state exam subject Main knowledge of the study degree Informatics and their use (masters degree):