KPI in the media
Extrapolations 2016
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of informatics in Slovakia the goal of Extrapolations is to present the history of slovak information technology and to speak about the future of informatics. KPI has a stand-alone exposition in Košice's Slovak Technical Museum. More about Extrapolations at the official web pages.
Study program Informatics I. in the hundred most perspective programs
Informatics I. belongs among the 100 most perspective study programs in Slovakia as results from the surveys of the national European project Undergraduages to practice, Universities as engines of knowledge society development, ITMS code 26110230120 2015.
Head of the department and our students in radio Regina
On Monday, 15.2.2016 our head of the department doc. Ing. Jaroslav Porubän, PhD. and our students bc. Matúš Hozza and bc. Viktor Hanko were guests of the Guest of the Radio Regina program. They reacted to questions about their studies, linkin study with practice and about team projects. Recording can be found at
The light at the end of the TU(nnel)KE (Department of Computers and Informatics)
Consideration about the changes in the innovated study program called The light at the end of TU(nnel)KE (Department of Computers and Informatics) from our student of 3rd year, Filip Lukáč.
Live IT projects 2016 in the media
Študenti dostali zadania od IT firiem (RTVS od 10:31)
Začiatok novej éry v IT vzdelávaní v Košiciach (košice:dnes)
Východniari dobýjajú svet. Aj vďaka školám (Hospodárske noviny; Firmy a Financie)
Živé IT projekty monitorujú aj parkovanie (Korzá
Živé IT projekty (Košické správy)
Študenti FEI TUKE získavajú skúsenosti pri riešení živých IT projektov (Školský servis TASR, Učiteľské noviny TASR)
Košický IT sektor hlási nedostatok odborníkov: Hľadajú stovky zamestnancov (Nový čas; Východ)
Živé IT projekty - výhercovia (IT Valley)
Official project page:
Photos and video recordings
Photo gallery
Short video from the event filmed by the IT Valley association
Hackathon 2015 in the media
Maratón v programovaní prvýkrát v Košiciach, mesto si od neho sľubuje inovácie (TA3)
Z programátorského maratónu vzídu aplikácie užitočné pre Košičanov (Korzá
"Maratónci" prinesú aplikácie, ktoré by mali pomôcť Košičanom (košice:dnes)
Programovací maratón výzvou pre technologických nadšencov (Koš
Hack sem, hack tam (
Official hackathon webpage:
Photos and video recordings
Photo gallery
Facebook page (visible only to logged-in users).
Timelapse video from the event (visible only to logged-in users).
Event video recording: Presentation skills presentation, Kocurek - Scrum Desk presentation, presentations of the competitors.