Towards a Software Engineering Discipline for Green Software

Project identification

The bilateral project between the Department of Informatics, University of Minho, Braga and the Department of Computers and Informatics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice has two identifiers, one in the Slovak Republic and one in the Portugal. The Portuguese ID is FCT/Slovakia ref. 441, the Slovak one is SK-PT-2015–0037, which means that the project is supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. SK-PT-2015–0037 and by the Portugal-Slovakia Cooperation FCT Project (Ref. 441).


The goal of this project is to study and propose novel techniques to provide programmers with models that will allow them to reason about their programs in terms of energy consumption. Moreover, we aim to develop tools, like energy profilers, energy smell detectors, energy refactorings, energy testing frameworks, and energy optimizations, so that abnormal energy consumption can be related to a program’s source code and optimized. We will validate such techniques and tools with real-world applications.


University of Minho Technical University of Košice
João Saraiva Csaba Szabó
Orlando Belo Veronika Szabóová
Rui Pereira Jaroslav Porubän
Marco Couto Michaela Bačíková
Miguel Guimarães Ján Genči
José Pedro Brandao Dávid Novák
Miguel Angelo Oliveira Branislav Sobota
  Silvia Kuzmová
  Peter Pastornický

More information about the partners

Green Software Lab DCI

Project outcomes

Date Description Link
30.11.2015 Prof. João Saraiva's pre­sentation „Development and Evolution of Green Software“ TBA
25.05.2016 David's thesis CRZP
24.06.2016 David's presen­tation TBA

Ongoing activities

  • Planning Erasmus+ visits between the partners
  • Planning next meetings
  • Running experiments on Android devices to measure greenness of selected apps and sample code.
  • Planning experiments on iOS devices to measure greenness of selected apps and sample code.
  • Preparing scientific papers based on experimental results.

Realized activities

Date Activity description
18–20.11.2015 Preparatory visit of Rui in Košice and Poprad (before the starting of the project).
30.11.-4.12.2015 Preparatory visit of prof. Saraiva in Košice before the starting of the project.
31.03.2016 International project proposal submission with seven other partners from Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Romania. Call: Erasmus+ KA203. Submission ID: 2016–1-SK01-KA203–022615.
14–20.05.2016 Coordination meetings and research topic selection in Braga.
21–25.06.2016 Meetings, consultations and thesis defense in Košice.
24.06.2016 Dávid's thesis defense on „Green Software Development for the Android Platform“.
27.07.2016 Welcoming new members (Branislav, Peter, and Silvia) – a very appreciated form of project recognition from their side.
12–18.09.2016 Coordination and research meetings in Braga.
30.09.2016 Paper submitted to the GreenCom'16 conference (12th IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications)
15.11.2016 Slovak national project proposal submission based on cooperation results and current project. Project title: „Implementation Decision Effects on Software Energy Consumption“. Submission ID: APVV-16–0581.
3–10.12.2016 Coordination and annual meetings in Košice.
29.03.2017 International project proposal submission with seven other partners from Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Romania. Call: Erasmus+ KA203. Submission ID: 2017–1-SK01-KA203–035402.

Formal texts for project support acknowledgment in published outcomes

EN: „This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. SK-PT-2015–0037.“
SK: „Táto práca bola podporovaná Agentúrou na podporu výskumu a vývoja na základe Zmluvy č. SK-PT-2015–0037“.